Clinical Scenarios: Tear Duct Surgery
Left Dacryocystocele (Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction), Female, 49 years old
Medial canthal (inside corner of eye/side of nose) fullness from fluid collection in left lacrimal sac
Medial canthal (inside corner of eye/side of nose) fullness from fluid collection in left lacrimal sac
Left Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR), Female, 32 years old
Scar appearance 6 months after left DCR
Scar appearance 6 months after left DCR
Canalicular Dacryoliths (stones), Female, 54 years old
Stones (deposits) removed during left lower eyelid punctoplasty (widening of tear duct opening in eyelid)
Stones (deposits) removed during left lower eyelid punctoplasty (widening of tear duct opening in eyelid)
After Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) Surgery, Female, 24 years old
Scar appearance 7 months after left DCR
Scar appearance 7 months after left DCR
Dacryocystitis, bilateral, Female, 68 years old
Bilateral swelling, redness, tenderness in medial canthal area (inside corner of eye/side of nose)
Bilateral swelling, redness, tenderness in medial canthal area (inside corner of eye/side of nose)
After Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) Surgery, Female, 41 years old
Scar appearance 6 months after right DCR
Scar appearance 6 months after right DCR
All clinical photographs are actual patients of Dr. Klapper.