Clinical Scenarios: Eyebrow and Forehead
Basal Cell Carcinoma, Female, 89 years old
Basal cell carcinoma
Basal cell carcinoma
Mohs' defect
Mohs' defect
4 months after repair
4 months after repair
Basal Cell Carcinoma, Female, 90 years old
Basal cell carcinoma of brow
Basal cell carcinoma of brow
Brow Mohs' defect
Brow Mohs' defect
Brow sliding advancement flap and full-thickness skin graft
Brow sliding advancement flap and full-thickness skin graft
1 year after repair
1 year after repair
Melanoma, Male, 49 years old
Wide excision
Wide excision
Advancement flap closure with full- thickness skin graft
Advancement flap closure with full- thickness skin graft
5 months after repair
5 months after repair
All clinical photographs are actual patients of Dr. Klapper.